Source code for bun.backup

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implement backup, verify, restore for bun.
from __future__ import print_function
import glob
import os
import sys
import time

from invoke import task

SHELL = '/bin/bash'
PIPELINE = '{nice} {tar} {compress} {check_sum} {write}'
TARBALL = '{backup_dir}/{timestamp}/{spec_name}.tar.{suffix}{extra_suffix}'
DESTINATION = '>{tarball}'
CACHEDIR_SIGNATURE = """Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55
# This file is a cache directory tag created by: bun
# For information about cache directory tags, see:

def opt(cond, true_return):
    """helper to optionally add commands to a commaned pipeline if cond is not the empty string"""
    return true_return if cond != '' else ''

def now(ctx):
    """Return a string representing the current time formatted as per timespec"""
    return time.strftime(ctx.bun.timespec)

def latest_backup(ctx):
    """Return the latest directory in backup_dir (by creation time) - assumed to be a directory"""
    return max(glob.glob('{}/*'.format(ctx.bun.backup_dir)), key=os.path.getctime)

[docs]class Bun(object): """ Backup path(s) based on configuration. """ def __init__(self, ctx, timestamp): """ :param ctx: invoke context :param timestmp: the timestamp of the (relevant) backup """ self.ctx = ctx self.timestamp = timestamp # same for all tarballs in a session self.backup_dir = '{backup_dir}/{timestamp}'.format(backup_dir=ctx.bun.backup_dir, timestamp=timestamp)
[docs] def tarball(self, spec_name, extra_suffix=''): """ Return the full path name of a tarball (or checksum of that tarball) based on spec_name :param spec_name: unique name prefix for a tarball/checksum file :param extra_suffix: optional suffix to add to the generated path name :return: a (string) tarball file name (fully qualified) """ return TARBALL.format(spec_name=spec_name, timestamp=self.timestamp, extra_suffix=extra_suffix, **self.ctx.bun)
[docs] def redirect(self, spec_name, extra_suffix=''): """ Generates the shell output redirect to create a tarball (or checksum of that tarball) :param spec_name: unique name prefix for a tarball/checksum file :param extra_suffix: optional suffix to add to the generated redirect/path :return: a redirect to path string suitable to store the generated tarball """ return DESTINATION.format(tarball=self.tarball(spec_name, extra_suffix))
[docs] def tar(self, paths, output='-'): """ Generate a tar command :param paths: list of paths to backup in one go :param output: optionally specify the output directly - defaults to stdout ('-') :return: the tar command """ return 'tar -C {start_dir} {opts} -cf {output} {ents}'.format(opts=' '.join(self.ctx.bun.tar_opts), output=output, ents=' '.join(paths), **self.ctx.bun)
[docs] def compress(self, output='-'): """ Generate the (optional) compress command as part of the backup pipeline :param output: optionally specify the output directly - defaults to stdout ('-') :return: the compress command """ return opt(self.ctx.bun.compress, '| {compress} {output}'.format(output=output, **self.ctx.bun))
[docs] def check_sum(self, spec_name): """ return a shell command to create the specified checksum of the created tarball. :param spec_name: use this as the start of the tarball name :return: the checksum pipeline command to create the checksum file """ return opt(self.ctx.bun.checksum, '| tee >({checksum}{path})'.format(path=self.redirect(spec_name, extra_suffix='.' + self.ctx.bun.checksum), **self.ctx.bun))
[docs] def pipeline(self, spec_name, paths): """ return a shell command to backup the directory tree at path :param spec_name: use this as the start of the tarball name :param paths: list of paths to backup in one go :return: the tar pipeline command to tar'up the directory tree under path """ return PIPELINE.format(nice=self.ctx.bun.nice, tar=self.tar(paths), compress=self.compress(), check_sum=self.check_sum(spec_name), write=self.redirect(spec_name))
[docs] def paths(self, target): """ generator which yields the list of paths to process :param target: specifies the list of spec sets to return :return: (yield) a tuple: the (spec_name, path(s) list) to be backed up """ if len(target) == 0: target = self.ctx.bun.default if target == ['all']: target = [key for key in self.ctx.bun.spec] for spec_name in target: if spec_name in self.ctx.bun.spec: yield (spec_name, self.ctx.bun.spec[spec_name]) else: print('spec {} is not found'.format(spec_name))
[docs] def only_existing(self, paths): """ Return a list of elements from paths which exist on the filesystem (respects start_dir). """ result = [] for ent in paths: if os.path.exists('{start_dir}/{path}'.format(path=ent, **self.ctx.bun)): result.append(ent) else: print('{} does not exist'.format(ent)) return result
[docs] def backup(self, target): """ Foreach target spec, backup the specified paths (if they exist). :param target: a list of one or more target spec names """ if not os.path.exists(self.backup_dir): os.makedirs(self.backup_dir) for spec_name, paths in self.paths(target): if not, self.only_existing(paths))): print(' FAILED') return 1 return 0
[docs] def pretend(self, target): """ As per backup, but don't check if paths exist, and only echo the tar command (not run it) :param target: is a list of one or more target spec names """ for spec_name, paths in self.paths(target): print(self.pipeline(spec_name, paths)) return 0
[docs] def verify(self, target): """ Foreach tarball in the target spec(s) verify the check sums :param target: spec name to verify """ result = 0 for spec_name, paths in self.paths(target): # pylint: disable=unused-variable tarball = self.tarball(spec_name) if os.path.exists('{}.{}'.format(tarball, self.ctx.bun.checksum)): print('{} '.format(tarball), end='') # , flush=True sys.stdout.flush() if not'{checksum} -c {tarball}.{checksum} < {tarball}'.format(tarball=tarball, **self.ctx.bun), echo=False): print(' FAILED') result = 1 return result
[docs] def restore(self, location, target): """ extract the tarballs belonging to target in bun.backup_dir to location :param location: is the point where the tarballs will be extracted to :param target: is the spec name of the target(s) to extract """ result = 0 with for spec_name, paths in self.paths(target): # pylint: disable=unused-variable tarball = self.tarball(spec_name) print('{}: '.format(tarball), end='') sys.stdout.flush() if os.path.exists(tarball): if not'tar -xf {}'.format(tarball)): print(' FAILED') result = 1 return result
[docs] def check(self, directory): """ Foreach tarball in directory verify check sums :param directory: directory containing tarballs to validate checksums of. """ result = 0 for tarball in glob.glob('{directory}/*.{suffix}'.format(directory=directory, **self.ctx.bun)): if os.path.exists('{}.{}'.format(tarball, self.ctx.bun.checksum)): print('{} '.format(tarball), end='') # , flush=True sys.stdout.flush() if not'{checksum} -c {tarball}.{checksum} < {tarball}'.format(tarball=tarball, **self.ctx.bun), echo=False): print(' FAILED') result = 1 return result
@task(default=True, iterable=['target'], aliases=('bun',)) def backup(ctx, target): """ back-up now :param ctx: invoke context :param target: 0 or more names of spec sets to backup """ return Bun(ctx, now(ctx)).backup(target) @task(iterable=['target']) def pretend(ctx, target): """ print out the commands which would be executed, but don't execute the backup :param ctx: invoke context :param target: 0 or more names of spec sets to backup """ Bun(ctx, now(ctx)).pretend(target) @task(iterable=['target']) def verify(ctx, timestamp, target): """ verify the check sums on tarballs which have been already created :param ctx: invoke context :param timestamp: the timestamp of the targets to verify :param target: 0 or more names of spec sets to verify """ return Bun(ctx, timestamp).verify(target) @task def watch(ctx, interval=5): """ run a watch(1) to observe the backup in progress :param ctx: invoke context :param interval: the interval between watch refreshes """ with'watch -n {interval} -d ls -lh'.format(interval=interval)) @task(iterable=['target']) def restore(ctx, timestamp, location, target): """ extract the specified target tarballs from the configured backup directory to location :param ctx: invoke context :param timestamp: the timestamp of the targets to restore :param location: where to extract the tarball(s) to :param target: spec name(s) whose tarballs will be extracted """ return Bun(ctx, timestamp).restore(location, target) @task def check(ctx, directory): """ verify the check sums on tarballs in the specified directory :param ctx: invoke context :param directory: directory containing tarballs """ return Bun(ctx, now(ctx)).check(directory) @task def ignore(ctx, directory): """ mark the specified directory as ignored by dropping a standard CACHEDIR.TAG directory into it :param ctx: invoke context :param directory: directory to be ignored """ with open('{}/CACHEDIR.TAG'.format(directory), 'w') as f: f.write(CACHEDIR_SIGNATURE) return 0