========== Quickstart ========== * Install the program:: # layman -L && layman -a lmiphay Keyword the program, e.g.:: app-oam/bun ~amd64 Add app-oam as a category (if it is not already):: # echo app-oam >>/etc/portage/categories Then:: # emerge app-oam/bun * Review the default settings, make any local changes:: # vi /etc/bun/bun.yaml * See what operations a default backup would do:: # bun pretend * And then kick off a default backup:: # bun backup * Watch the progress of the backup:: # bun watch * At some later point verify the checksums of a specified backup:: # bun verify --timestamp=20171915-154431 * Restore a specific backup to a specified location:: # bun restore --timestamp=20171915-154431 --location=/var/tmp